Six True Storied Children’s Books

Eight good playground structure behaviours


Wild Times at Kool’s School deals with a verbal bullying incident in a swift manner. A must read for children ages 4-10 years of age.

Children have fun finding eight good playground structure behaviours. They also have an opportunity to fine eight poor playground behaviours.

oh oh firefighters on the scene!


This book deals with a number of exciting Halloween events occurring at a very bustling large elementary school.

Finding miniature Principal Kool proves to be a welcome interlude for children to find as he is dressed in a clown costume and hiding on each page that contains a large illustration.

The tranquility of the day comes to an abrupt end by the piercing fire alarm as students, staff, and parents have to vacate the school in a speedy manner. 

The firefighters arrive quickly to the school as per the illustration.

Sewing of quilts at school prior to Christmas Break

Christmas Events

This book features a variety of Christmas Events that occur in a large elementary school, the week before Christmas.

  • gingerbread house construction
  • grade 7 and 8 French luncheon bistro
  • students presenting unique create a country projects.
  • the pic highlights quilts being embroidered by parent volunteers.
Kicking boxing demo- reward for kids at MS Assembly

Multiple Sclerosis

This bilingual book features ten key points about MS that provide students greater insights into this disease. A fundraiser for MS earned a substantial amount of money for MS and featured the VP doing a robust kick boxing demonstration ( see pic) and the principal having his beard shaved off with a straight razor.

Bus Safety

Bus Safety-Bus Evacuation Drill

A very alert bus driver ends up reacting very quickly and subsequently saves the life of a six year old female student during a hectic afternoon bus dismissal.

Earlier in the school day, the students practised proper bus evacuation procedures.


The Kristina”s Fundraiser at Kool”s School featured six students who creatively led a fundraising initiative for the local Children”s Hospital  (CHEO) in honour of their classmate who was suffering from a form of leukemia.

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